Stewardship and Giving

Rooted in Abundance

2024 Stewardship Campaign

Pledge Online


They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit.Jeremiah 17:8



As our annual stewardship campaign gets underway, you have been hearing about the theme, Rooted in Abundance, and its reminder to us that we are inspired to give because so much has been given to us. This is not transactional – we do not give in proportion to how we feel we have benefitted or suffered – rather we give because of the love we have experienced in the story of our faith.

Our giving tradition at St. Thomas’ has always been focused on how we share all of our gifts – not just our financial gifts. A church needs new ideas, creative people to lead, individuals who know how to solve complex problems, volunteers to keep our ministries focused on our neighbors. We can talk about this in a three-fold way: wealth, works, and wisdom. If any one of these areas is missing from our community, we are diminished.

As you fill out your pledge cards, you’ll notice that one side is about your financial promises for the year, your wealth. The other side is dedicated to how you might want to share your works and your wisdom. Beyond staffing committees, our work of wisdom is about unlocking creativity to grow our mission, collaborating with other people, institutions, and churches to serve more of our neighbors, and how we form generous, grateful hearts through our education programs. Our works bring us opportunities to roll up our sleeves, to volunteer for service, to pitch in to help make things better.

This year, as you pray about your commitment to our church, please tap into that nourishing structure of faith and generosity shown to us by an extravagant God, a patient Shepherd, and a gathering Spirit who call us to extend our networks and share our gifts with the world. When you are rooted in abundance, you realize that your giving can be as boundless as the Creation that gave birth to us all. Thank you for your generosity and your prayerful consideration of your pledge to St. Thomas’.

The last Sunday of our campaign is November 19th.  Please send or submit your gifts by that date so that we may gather them together and bless them.  We will have a Pancake Breakfast at 9 a.m. on November 19th.  

Thank you for your support of St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church


How you can help St. Thomas’ :

You can donate online. Click here for more information.

You can set up an automatic payment through your bank

You can send in pledges or other offerings by mail

You can place your donation in the Offering Plate